Saturday, November 04, 2006

A (Satur)day in the office.

For those who read my weblog more often than just this post will know I have been a couple of day’s in Oslo. After some delays on my flight back to Amsterdam airport from Oslo Airport I finally arrived yesterday evening in Amsterdam and got a quick train back home.

So this should have been a perfect weekend, at home, on the couch, with my girl… have some rest,.. Having a nice glass of wine in the evening and do nothing except the things I like. However, I did have a nice glass of wine and have been sitting on the couch having a conversation with my girl, watched some TV and got to bed early. Until now it all sounds quite good, the downside is that I am now currently back to my companies HQ in Amsterdam to continue working and most likely I will also be in the office on Sunday to do some things.

As we have gone life with Norway we will be going life with Finland upcoming Monday. In a normal situation when a country goes life with our B2B web sales application it also will go life with the new corporate ERP system. So everything is completely new for the specific county. However Finland already used the Web sales system for several years but not the new ERP system.

As they go life with the new ERP system it all has to be disconnected from the old movex ERP system and connected to the new Oracle ERP. This includes the removal of all currently existing old data form the Web Sales System that is there from the Movex system and load all the new data into the system from the New Oracle system. This should not be a problem because in normal cases we should be able to schedule a concurrent request set on the main ERP servers and let them handle the request.

However due to some patching and a financial data load from other departments this is not possible. We had to extract all the data before they closed the new ERP system for the weekend and now I am in the office loading all the data in the Oracle Web Order Management system by using Taviz integration studio. Taviz is currently owned, re-branded, as SmartDB.

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