Friday, January 18, 2019

Oracle JET - data-bind as text or html

When using the KnockoutJS data-bind option while developing Oracle JET applications you will have the option to use the data-bind in combination with a text option or a html option. In most cases developers will use the text option to bind a javascript view/model variable in the html view code. In most cases variables will contain a value that needs to be displayed in the context of the html code, however, in some cases the variable can also contain html code itself. When a variable contains html markup code you will have to handle this differently when defining the data-bind in the view.

The below example screenshot displays the same variable used in a data-bind once with a text option and once with a html option. The first is using the text option and due to this the html code for the underline is not rendered. In the second line we use the html option and the underline markup code is rendered and the line is underlined in the view.

The below code example is showing the Oracle JET knockoutJS html view code, the code can also be seen as a gist on github.

The below code example is showing the Oracle JET knockoutJS html viewModel code, the code can also be seen as a gist on github

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