When distributing files around your organization they can go all around the globe without you knowing about it. With Oracle Information Rights Management people are required to install the client software on their workstation. When receiving a file or e-mail they have to enter their information and the software checks with the Oracle IRM server if and how this user can access this information.
A user can for example be prohibited to open or print, edit, printscreen, forward or other operations. Even when the user has opened the file once you will still have the possibility to grant or revoke rights on this particular document.
By using Oracle Information Rights Management you will have full control on who can read and access your documents even if they are no longer on a corporate server.
The desktop client software installs without any hassle and integration with Microsoft Office products is out of the box. It is compatible with Office 2000, XP, 2003 and 2007.

1 comment:
Oracle Information Rights Management is a new form of information security technology that secures and tracks sensitive digital information everywhere it is stored and used. Thank you...
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