Monday, May 23, 2011

Oracle Complete Positioning Versus Competetion

During the "Oracle Day 2011" organized by the Oracle User Group in Estonia OUGE a talk was given by Shahin Taromsari on the subject "Complete Positioning Versus Competetion". Shahin is given a very nice view on the Oracle strategy for the upcoming time in a relaxed way and providing a insight in what it will mean in the upcoming time for your company or what it can mean in the upcoming time. After the merger with Sun Microsystems they have now the option to build the entire stack in one company. They can build the hardware and the software which enables Oracle to create the best solutions in the market. Even do they are able to do so, in my opinion, Oracle is still a software vendor playing to be a hardware vendor. They have a hard time to make the shift to also think like hardware vendors think. This process will take some time however I do have a feeling that in the end they will succeed. A long way however has to be taken before it will become the success that it could be. I already understand from a lot of people that some frustration is raising within the relationship with the new Sun Microsystems part of the company and clients as former Sun employees now have to confirm to the way of working as set by Oracle. This way of working is a software vendor way of working and not a hardware vendor way of working.

I am confident that Oracle is having a lot of smart people working on this culture issue and will come with a solution, I only hope this will come quick and that they understand that change is needed on both the software side as the hardware side. People of research and development departments tend to work already together in a great way and started engineering new products that work together in a better way now the rest of the company will have to follow.


Posted via Johan Louwers his Posterous page to his blogger page.

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