I a previous post I already showed some bug codes you can get when you raise a bug at Oracle Metalink. Now I received upon request the “more” complete list of bug codes from Oracle Development.
[10, Description Phase] 10 - Description Phase[11, Code Bug (Response/Resolution)] 11 - Code Bug (Response/Resolution)
[13, Doc Bug (Response/Resolution)] 13 - Doc Bug (Response/Resolution)
[14, Bug Assigned to Solution Partner] 14 - Bug Assigned to Solution Partner
[15, To Internal (Oracle) Review] 15 - To Internal (Oracle) Review
[16, Support bug screening] 16 - Support bug screening
[30, Additional Information Requested] 30 - Additional Information Requested
[31, Could Not Reproduce. To Filer] 31 - Could Not Reproduce. To Filer
[32, Not a Bug. To Filer] 32 - Not a Bug. To Filer
[33, Suspended, Reqd Info not Avail] 33 - Suspended, Reqd Info not Avail
[34, Merge To Base Bug] 34 - Merge To Base Bug
[35, To Filer for Review] 35 - To Filer for Review
[36, Duplicate Bug. To Filer] 36 - Duplicate Bug. To Filer
[37, To Filer for Review/Merge Required] 37 - To Filer for Review/Merge Required
[38, Dup of AIME LRG] 38 - Dup of AIME LRG
[39, Approved, waiting for codeline to open] 39 - Approved, waiting for codeline to open
[40, Waiting for the base bug fix] 40 - Waiting for the base bug fix
[41, Base Bug fixed,awaiting base Label/Patch] 41 - Base Bug fixed,awaiting base Label/Patch
[43, Product/Platform Obsolete, to Filer] 43 - Product/Platform Obsolete, to Filer
[44, Not Feasible to fix, to Filer] 44 - Not Feasible to fix, to Filer
[45, Vendor OS Problem, to Filer] 45 - Vendor OS Problem, to Filer
[51, Support approved backport - to Dev] 51 - Support approved backport - to Dev
[52, Pending approval by PL] 52 - Pending approval by PL
[53, Backport/Patchset Req Rejected] 53 - Backport/Patchset Req Rejected
[54, One Off Request Approved] 54 - One Off Request Approved
[60, CM: Awaiting Promote] 60 - CM: Awaiting Promote
[66, CM: Awaiting Deployment] 66 - CM: Awaiting Deployment
[70, Closed, data fix, cause - user error] 70 - Closed, data fix, cause - user error
[71, Closed, data fix, cause - data import] 71 - Closed, data fix, cause - data import
[72, Closed, data fix, cause - code error] 72 - Closed, data fix, cause - code error
[73, Closed, data fix, cause - unknown] 73 - Closed, data fix, cause - unknown
[74, Closed, Verified by QA] 74 - Closed, Verified by QA
[75, Closed, code fix, not verified] 75 - Closed, code fix, not verified
[80, Development to Q/A] 80 - Development to Q/A
[81, Q/A to Dev/Patch or Workaround Avble] 81 - Q/A to Dev/Patch or Workaround Avble
[83, Closed, Product/Platform Obsolete] 83 - Closed, Product/Platform Obsolete
[84, Closed, not feasible to fix] 84 - Closed, not feasible to fix
[87, Fix verified/Merge Required] 87 - Fix verified/Merge Required
[88, Closed as Dup of AIME LRG] 88 - Closed as Dup of AIME LRG
[90, Closed, Verified by Filer] 90 - Closed, Verified by Filer
[91, Closed, Could Not Reproduce] 91 - Closed, Could Not Reproduce
[92, Closed, Not a Bug] 92 - Closed, Not a Bug
[93, Closed, Not Verified by Filer] 93 - Closed, Not Verified by Filer
[95, Closed, Vendor OS Problem] 95 - Closed, Vendor OS Problem
[96, Closed, Duplicate Bug] 96 - Closed, Duplicate Bug