I recently received a windows Vista laptop from CapGemini specially to be used at one of our customer contracts. This was because of the fact some special security tools needed to be installed to be able to work at the customer side. To be able to use the Oracle e-business suite I needed to run Oracle Jinitiator in combiantin with Windows vista and Internet Explorer version 7 (7.0.6000.16809). However every time I tried to logon and started a session to the forms section of Oracle e-business suite internet explorer crashed.
After some searching I found the solution at the website of theappsfactory.com. After doing some steps I have Jinitiator working with Windows vista. Just follow the following steps:
1. Download and install the latest version of Java (such as Version 6, Update 11). You can get it here.
2. Copy the file C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\client\jvm.dll to folder C:\Program Files\Oracle\Jinitiator\bin\hotspot. (Overwrite the existing jvm.dll.)
3. In folder C:\Program Files\Oracle\Jinitiator\lib, rename "font.properties.zh.5" to "font.properties.zh.6" and "font.properties.zh.5.1" to "font.properties.zh.6.1"
4. If you use multiple languages, use a text editor (such as Notepad) to open file "C:\Program Files\Oracle\Jinitiator\lib\font.properties". Search for "\u5b8b\u4f53=SIMSUN.TTF" and change it to "\u5b8b\u4f53=SIMSUN.TTC". This is an optional step.
Hi, Johan,
JInitiator is built on Sun's JDK 1.3 libraries. Sun's JDK 1.3 is not compatible with Vista, and they have no plans to make it compatible now that JDK 1.3 is officially desupported.
Oracle's official recommended configuration for Vista clients connecting to the E-Business Suite is to use the native Sun JRE plug-in. See my article here:
Reminder: Migrate Your JInitiator Clients to Sun JRE Now! - http://blogs.oracle.com/stevenChan/2008/12/reminder_migrate_your_jundefinediator_clients_to_sun_jre_now.html
Steven Chan, Oracle
This advice is ok...so what the next step after install jinit..
This did not work for me... I am using Win 7 and IE8. JInitiator version
Let me know if you have any other solutions to this.
It really works! on Vista Enterprise SP2 -x64, Internet Explorer 8 + Jinitiator + Java RuntimeEnvironment Version 6, Update 03.
Hello Johan,
do you know how to install oracle jinitiator for linux
can you give us the step by step details on how to setup it and run Oracle Application via Linux OS?
to Amol Fadnis,
I've the same problem and same configuration and I solved by installing jre 1.5.0_16-b02 and replacing the file "jvm.dll" in jinitiator with the file "jvm.dll" of this version of JRE.
hi Raffaello
I am in same situation.
Windows 2007 n IE8.
please help me to get jre 1.5.0_16-b02 for me... i've looking for it, but fail to download.
please suggest where to get the installer.
thanks! this worked great on windows 7 and Jinitiator! With OAS 9.0.4. I took care of the redraw issue on some forms with this:
Control Panel > JInitiator
Basic Tab
In the runtime parameters, add this
Apply, close
also i downloaded this java runtime (jre 1.5.0_16-b02) to use the jvm.dll from here
thanks rafaello! :) that version of java jre is the one that does the trick on JInitiator on Windows 7!!!!
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