Now Starbucks has launched which can help you enjoy it even more. It can help you locate a starbucks close to you so you will never spend to much time looking for a place to get coffee. You can also give credit points to coffee and in this was indicate what your favorite is. This will help starbucks to do some marketing I guess…..
A second part of the application can be used only in a couple of test starbucks in the US. You can place a amount on your iPhone app and use it to pay for your coffee. It works in the same way as yur starbucks card would do. Only difference is that it is now on your iPhone.
I am really wondering how this will fly. If this is a success and I guess it will be we will see a lot of those applications coming in the upcoming time for other companies. Gas stations for example can come to mind. So you phone will become more and more your wallet. Eventually someone will start to build a new app which is capable of holding all the custom apps. Years ago people where already talking about pay with your phone. Well I guess this is one of the best steps towards that goal. Some pilots and options with SMS pay are already tried and on the run at the moment however I feel personally that this is he first attempt in a way that it can be accepted by the public.
However, security comes to mind. I would love to dive into this to find out what the security is on this thing.
1 comment:
Starbucks has combined two of my passions - my iPhone and my Starbucks espresso. This is a great example of a company finding a creative way to extend their brand to engage customers outside the traditional four walls of the retail outlet. It's also a great way to engage customer-to-customer interactions with the ability to share drink recipes. And I appreciate the "build your drink" feature - I didn't know I had some of those options. BUT......... there's one thing missing. Allow me to place my order to my local Starbucks so that my drink is waiting for me when I walk in... already paid for using my Starbucks card of course. http://KellyRShort.com
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